The CIK9 was established with three goals as its mission
1 The Shadow Fund
2 A Dedicated Canine Training Facility
3 A Working Dog Monument with Heroes Memorial
- We have established the Capital K9 Campaign (CKC) to raise the estimated $2-2.5M to support these two organizational goals.
- We are requesting the donation of three to five acres of land on which to build the training site and monument.
goal importance
- Across Central Indiana are 62 law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels with 190 active K9 teams and growing.
- Funds for training law enforcement officers (LEO’s) and their K9s are limited.
- K9 officers serve in many capacities – patrol discipline, drug and explosive detection or search and rescue missions – all of which require extensive training.
- Initial and advanced training often occurs outside of Central Indiana and in some cases outside of the State of Indiana. The cost of instruction, hotel fees, and food become a challenge and is further exacerbated by the toll on the handlers and their agencies by being gone for extended periods of time.
- Facilitate local, quality training at a professional training site is critical to ensure high performance by the K9 officer and their handler.

CIK9 received pro-bono services from Sebree Architects for the design of a training facility to both meet the needs for adequate training, as well as incorporating solar panels on the roof and creating a campus environment to reduce energy costs by limiting the need of air conditioning or heating in areas not being utilized.