Your support is crucial
Your support helps us to facilitate local training for K9 teams, financially assist with medical costs when a K9 retires, build a central training facility, and create a dedicated K9 memorial.
Your donation to Central Indiana K9 Association supports us in the following ways:
Dog and handler teams have the opportunity to attend specialized events lasting 1 -3 days and are led by professional instructors from around the nation.
When you support Training, your donation helps offset expenses like:
· Professional instructor fees
· Travel and housing for out-of-area instructors
· Food, snacks, and drinks for course participants (including the dogs).
Take a look at upcoming training opportunities here.
Shadow Fund
Working dogs train and work like professional athletes every day. After retiring, just like athletes, these K9s often have significant health issues.
Your donation to the Shadow Fund helps the handler to expand the life, and quality of life for the K9s who have served their community, without incurring a financial hardship. Read JohnE’s story here.
Training Facility
While CIK9 provides professional training opportunities for K9 teams, the training currently occurs at a variety of locations in the area.
A Capital Campaign has been established to raise funds for the construction of a specially designed, permanent training facility and K9 memorial. Your donation can have a big impact in helping us to bring this dream to fruition. You can learn more about the Capital Campaign here.

Supporting CIK9 has never been easier – just scan your Kroger Plus card when you shop at Kroger. Here’s how to enroll:
1. Visit
2. Scroll to “Link your Shoppers Card“
3. Search for Central Indiana K9 Association (organization# JS413)
4. Click “enroll“
5. Scan your Kroger Plus Card each time you shop and Kroger will give back a portion of eligible purchases to CIK9.
CIK9 is registered as a 501(c)3 organization.
Your donation is tax-deductible
EIN: 83-4506950
Every donation permits CIK9 to meet its mission: keeping residents’ tax dollars in the community to improve K9 and handler skills and make our communities safer.
Shown below are suggested donation amounts. You can donate any amount, and direct it be used in a specific fund, or to be used where needed.